Week 14: Summative Assessments (ART723)
Week 13: Group Crits - body of work & Placement Reflection(ART723)
Week 12: Testing and Evaluation / Individual Tutorials (ART723)
Week 11: Educational Visit (ART723)
Week 10: Design Thinking Tools: Reverse Brainstorming (ART723)
Easter Break: Continued Placement & Research (ART723)
Week 9: Formative Assessment (ART723)
Week 8: Student Poster Presentations – Group Crits / Monthly Student and Staff meeting (ART723)
Placement & Field Site: Thetford Forest (ART723)
Day Trip: Stratford-Upon-Avon (ART723)
Week 7: Arts and Science Research Methods / Case Studies / Tutorials (ART723)
Week 6: Fields of Knowledge / Research Poster Preparations / Arts in the Armchair (ART723)
Week 5: Defining Research in/through Art / Group crits - Statement of Intent proposals (ART723)
Week 4: Future Opportunities with visiting speaker – lecture / seminar / workshop (ART723)
Week 3: Visualising Research / Visual task Presentations / Co-producing Narratives (ART723)
Week 2: Introduction to Research Methods / What do we mean by Practice?(ART723)
Week 1: Module Launch (ART723)
Week 14: Module Feedback, Progression And Future Development (ART717)
Week 13: Summative Assessment (ART717)
Week 12: Fieldtrip Documentation (ART717)