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Week 12: MA Exhibition 2024 'Evolve' (ART727)

Writer's picture: Adam KnightAdam Knight

Updated: Aug 16, 2024

Final MA Exhibition @ Wrexham University titled 'Evolve' 

Opening 16th August 2024

Artist Statement



Having graduated with a BA (Hons) in Fine Art at Aberystwyth University in 2019 and currently living in Oswestry, Shropshire, I work in a variety of techniques and processes. Much of my work has been inspired by an interest in trees and the Welsh landscape.

Trees being the breath of the world, encapsulating carbon, breathing out oxygen, they bare wood, fruit, nuts, soil, and shade. In their long lineage they embed time, a patient record of the world we as a civilization step in and out of barely noticed. I explore these themes as areas of importance, more recently highlighting the environmental challenges and threats trees and forests face in today’s society, such as deforestation.

As part of my art Interdisciplinary practice I have worked closely with Thetford Forest and the Forestry Commission England on an extended placement throughout 2023 and 2024. Here I showcase a range of creative works exploring these challenges whilst attempting to humanize the tree by making comparisons to everyday settings. Using various techniques, including multi methods approaches using qualitative and Quantitive data which combine arts and science research, illustration, cyanotype and installation to achieve this. I touch upon influences from artists, Banksy, Andy Goldsworthy, Aaron Siskind and Roy Tyson. In my most recent works titled “Case closed” 2024, I explore the use of miniatures within decaying tree stumps creating an opportunity to invite viewers to see the acts of deforestation and the aftermath from a different unique perspective.

Welsh Translation



Ar ôl graddio gyda BA (Anrh) mewn Celfyddyd Gain ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth yn 2019 ac ar hyn o bryd yn byw yng Nghroesoswallt, Swydd Amwythig, rwy'n gweithio mewn amrywiaeth o dechnegau a phrosesau. Mae llawer o'm gwaith wedi cael ei ysbrydoli gan ddiddordeb mewn coed a thirwedd Cymru.

Coed yn anadl y byd, yn crynhoi carbon, anadlu ocsigen, maent yn moeli pren, ffrwythau, cnau, pridd, a chysgod. Yn eu llinach hir maen nhw'n ymgorffori amser, cofnod claf o'r byd rydyn ni fel cam gwareiddiad i mewn ac allan ohono prin y sylwir arno. Rwy'n archwilio'r themâu hyn fel meysydd o bwys, gan dynnu sylw yn fwy diweddar at yr heriau amgylcheddol a'r bygythiadau y mae coed a choedwigoedd yn eu hwynebu yn y gymdeithas heddiw, megis datgoedwigo.

Fel rhan o'm hymarfer celf Rhyngddisgyblaethol, rwyf wedi gweithio'n agos gyda Thetford Forest a Chomisiwn Coedwigaeth Lloegr ar leoliad estynedig drwy gydol 2023 a 2024. Yma rwy'n arddangos amrywiaeth o weithiau creadigol sy'n archwilio'r heriau hyn wrth geisio dyneiddio'r goeden trwy wneud cymariaethau â lleoliadau bob dydd. Defnyddio technegau amrywiol, gan gynnwys dulliau aml-ddulliau gan ddefnyddio data ansoddol a meintiol sy'n cyfuno ymchwil celfyddydau a gwyddoniaeth, darlunio, cyanoteip a gosodiad i gyflawni hyn. Rwy'n cyffwrdd ar ddylanwadau gan artistiaid, Banksy, Andy Goldsworthy, Aaron Siskind a Roy Tyson. Yn fy ngwaith diweddaraf o'r enw "Case closed" 2024, rwy'n archwilio'r defnydd o miniatures o fewn boncyffion coed sy'n pydru gan greu cyfle i wahodd gwylwyr i weld gweithredoedd datgoedwigo a'r canlyniadau o safbwynt unigryw gwahanol.

My Final MA Exposition display



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