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Writer's pictureAdam Knight

Week 11: Thinking through the lens / Social Design (ART717)

Updated: Feb 1, 2023

Week beginning: 13th December2022

Thinking through the lens / Social Design / Individual Tutorials

Artist Tool Kit Analysis and breakdown

Here I comprised a list of relevant questions and answers relating to my practice.

Project name: ART717

Aims and objectives: I intend to showcase a series of prints or photographic works about forests, trees, their wood and the memory they contain, Exploring themes of nature and landscape in the process as areas of interest.

Anticipated project start date: 29th September 2022

Anticipated project end date: 17th January 2023

What are the expected outcomes of the project for you?: A set of prints and concertina booklets

What are you hoping to achieve by being part of the project or opportunity? I am hoping to achieve a nice series of prints or a composition which challenges the viewer and tackles environmental issues.

Write down 3 or 4 things and rate them in order of importance.:

1) Planning and preparation

2) Development of Ideas

3) Documentation of Processes

4) Final Outcomes, produced to the best quality and standard

What is your prior experience of being involved in projects like this?: Undergraduate studies and research within my chosen field.

How much time do you have/have you allocated for the initiation and delivery of this project? 4 months.

How will you monitor the time you devote to the project?: Careful planning and time management through lists and documentation on my blog.

Social Design & Conversations

Today's lecture centered on the topic of social design and conversation. We were very privileged to talk to Professor Hugo Christo from Brazil. It was a great way to exchange ideas and discuss the similarities and differences between a researcher and a designer. We also discussed the ethical and practical views within Social Design and his major influences during his studies and within his art practices. One of which was Alejandro Aravena, who's work helped Hugo to present both practical and theoretical within his own works. Aravena's projects center around the theme of bringing life to architecture. One study, titled Villa Verde, Chile, depicts a half built house, in which can be purchased with the intention of the buyer finishing the other half. Through workshops and practical learning the buyer can complete the house. Its a way of showing how humans can adapt to their environment and learn to over come challenges. Christo states "Its about listening and understanding an individuals needs, 20% effort, 80% consensus building.

Ville Verde, Chile 2013

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