Week beginning: 7th November 2022
Presentation Script
Unfortunately, due too ill health I was unable to attend university this week. Having missed the Group presentations and critiques, I felt it best to upload what I would have said and shown to this online blog. Strating off with the questions and pointers given to me by my tutors.
- What I Aim to do for this module (give it a title if it helps)
I aim to showcase a series of prints or photographic works about forests, trees, their wood, and the memory they contain, Exploring themes of nature and landscape in the process as areas of interest.
- Include a mind map of a selection of ideas that you have considered.
-Discuss the ideas that you want to take forward as mentioned in your Learning Plan
As mentioned previously i am wanting to take the idea of trees and the memory they contain forward. Methods of working: Studio work, printmaking workshops, research visits, trips to galleries and exhibitions, creative/critical writing, location drawing, field trips, sketchbook development, WordPress, (Blog updates).
- Show a selection of artists / designers / creatives etc., who have worked in a similar way that have/are influencing you now
Serena Smith, Paul Nash, Patty Moon amongst others (These are documented within my research folder)
- Mention cultural theorists, art critics or historians who have written about the theme/s you are exploring (some of the books / exhibitions on the reading list and/or video clips uploaded to Moodle may help you here.
See Research Section- I have recently contacted Ecologist Suzanne Simard too discuss my chosen theme and what her thoughts are on the subject of trees retaining memories. I am yet to hear back. (This will form a part of my cultural theorist research.)
- Discuss what your 'works' will look like?
A Concertina Booklet or a collection of wooden pieces.
- Mention your choice of media and genre.
Cyanotype and relief printing techniques and medias, nature as a genre
- Include a timeline of what you will do each week and when.
This online blog acts as a timeline, I have also documented what I am wanting to do in future within my sketchbook.
- Discuss what you will cover in your 1,500-word Reflective Review.
A Step by step and week by week review of the processes, positives and negatives etc. and the development of ideas also.